


Levanovich V.V., Mikirtichan G. L., Savina I.A

At the origins of Saint-Petersburg state pediatric medical university: the contribution by an outstanding pediatrician K.A. Rauchfuss


Reshetnik L.A., Antsiferova O.V., Spasich T.A., Golubev S. S.

Diagnosis of celiac disease in routine clinical practice

Zakharova I.N., Borovik T. E., Roslavtseva Ye.A., Kasatkina Ye.N., Dmitriyeva Yu.A.

Genetic markers of celiac disease: modern concern

Sadovnikova N.N., Kutusheva G.F.

Clinical manifestations of the dry eye syndrome for women in menopause

Brzheskiy V.V., Chistyakova M.N., Kalinina I.V

Features of surgical treatment of nasolacrimal duct stenoses in children

Fesenko Yu.A., Fesenko Ye.V

Methods of integrated diagnostics attention deficit hiperactivity disorderes (ADHD) in children

Balabolkin I. I., Terletskaya R.N.

Allergic case rate of children and adolescents in the modern ecological condition

Komissarov I.A., Glushkova V.A., Kolesnikova N.G.

Treatment fecal incontinence in children with bulking agents «DAM+»

Yurov A.Yu., Shemerovskii K.A.

The possibility of the consciousdecreasing in heaviness of thebradyenteria in medical students

Karpova I.V., Proshin S.N., Glushakov R. I., Mikheyev V.V., Bychkov Ye. R.

Sex differences of the content on the monoamines levels in symmetrical structures of the C3H-A mice brain


Melashenko T.V., Milyavskaya I. R., Gorlanov I.A., Leina L.M.

CNS defeat in early congenital syphilis

Fedulova E.N., Bogomolov A. R

Causes of blood in stool in children. Disease clinical case Marchiafawa–Michele


Khaitsev N.V., Vasiliev A.G., Trashkov A. P

Individual and group peculiarities of adaptation in ontogeny(review and problem statement)

Strukov D.V., Alexandrovich Yu. S., Vasiliev A.G.

Actual aspects of sepsis and septic shock


Belskaya K.A., Lytaev S.A., Kipyatkov N.Yu

Psychological peculiarities of auditory cognitive defect when psychopathology

Mikirtichan G. L., Chulkova V.A., Pestereva Ye.V., Olkhovskiy K.A., Koshelevа A.N

On the formation of professional self-determination of future doctors

Ironosov V.Ye., Lytaev S.A., Gordeev V. I.

Adaptive capabilities under extreme conditions, depending on motivational orientation of Anesthesiologist


Pashkov K.A.

On the history of pediatric stomatology in Russia

Ponomareva-Soenen E.V

Formation and development of Berck-sur-mer children resort in the 2nd half of the 19th and in the beginning of the 20th century

Еgorysheva I.V

The problem of child mortality in Zemstvo medicine

Budko A.A., Gribovskaya G.A

Medical service organization for women and children — the Second World War repatriates

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