L.N. Abbakumova, V.G. Arsentev, S.F. Gnusaev, I.I. Ivanova, T.I. Kadurina, E.L. Trisvetova, V.V. Chemodanov, M.L. Chuhlovina
Multifactorial and hereditary connective tissue disorders in children. Diagnostic algorithms. Management tactics. Russian guidelines
D.V. Asherova-Jushkova, M.A. Kovaljova, T.V. Chaparova, A.A. Shmeljova, E. V. Gorodova, A.Ju. Ljasthenko, Ju.S. Badanina, M.O. Protasova, A.A. Pelevina, S.N. Kocheshkov
The possibility of reducing mortality in the neonatal intensive care unit
L.A. Zhelenina, A.N. Galustian, N.B. Platonova, M.V. Kuropatenko
Contribution of prenatal factors and in formation of asthma phenotypes in children
М.L. Chuhlovina, D.V. Zaslavsky, Е.А. Bichun
Clinical manifestations of neurosyphilis in women of reproductive age
S.А. Lytaev, D.S. Susin
PET — diagnostics of cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Т.R. Stuchevskaya, D.I. Rudenko, V.М. Kazakov, О.F. Pozdniakova, А.V. Pozdniakov, А.А. Skoromets, L.А. Tutin
Signs of MRI affection of brain in сlassical Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients
V.K. Iur’ev, А.G. Serdjukov, C.M. Tebleev, V.G. Puzyrev
Contraceptive behavior in women in the Republic of Kalmykia
М.V. Konstantinova, А.G. Vasiliev, N.А. Verlov, M.R. Артеменко
Boosting Angiogenesis in Skin Mechanical Trauma Area by means of Neoskin Skin-Substitute Preparation
А.V. Orlov, V.N. Kovalev, M.N. Ignat’eva, L.A. Antipova, E.A. Egorova, M.O. Volkova
The technical aspects of collecting and transporting the sputum cystic fibrosis patients
M.S. Motalkina, S.A. Kulyova, S.M. Alexeev, I.S. Zuzgin, L.V. Filatova, A.S. Zhabina, A.S. Artemyeva, A.A. Rjazankina, T.Yu. Semiglazova
Mobilization of stem cell: past, present and future
E.V. Boitsova, D.Yu. Ovsyannikov
On the question of interstitial lung diseases in children: diffuse disorders of growth and development of the lungs
А.G. Baindurashvili, K.I. Shapiro, L.A. Drozhzhina, A.N. Vishniakov
Indicators and dynamics of injuries of the musculoskeletal system in children of St Petersburg in the current conditions
A.A. Kostylev, V.B. Silcov, M.B. Belogurova
Neoplasms, as one of the causes of the syndrome of palpable abdominal tumor in children
N.A. Verlov, A.P. Trashkov, M.A. Pahomova, N.V. Haitsev, E.I. Malyshev
Biomodelling Angiogenesis
О.V. Alexandrova, А.Е. Tkachenko, I.V. Kushnareva
Cognitive Assessment of Causes of a Child’s Disease by Relatives of the Child (based on a study of children with severe chronic and incurable diseases)
I.N. Surenkova, G.A. Suslova, A.P. Skoromets
About the system of rehabilitation of preterm infants within walking distance
S.L. Akimova
The daily life of people with disabilities: experience of Lappeenranta Rendering pediatric palliative medical care on outpatient basis
Т.М. Chernova, Е.V. Barakina, R.Z. Zarkua
Experience using recombinant interferon-alpha with taurine therapy of congenital cytomegalovirus infection in children
М.А. Beljashova, Sh.А. Gitinov, D.Yu. Ovsjannikov
Respiratory manifestations of Down syndrome
A.A. Kuznetsova, A.A. Pakhomova, S.I. Petrova, Yu.V. Peshekhonova
Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia of Infancy
Conference of pediatricians-nephrologists, urologists
“In memory of Albert Vazgenovich Papayan”..
Материал опубликован Sunday August 28th, 2016 пользователем Редактор