

A.Yu. Solomakha, N.A. Petrova, D.O. Ivanov, Yu.V. Sviryaev

Breathing disorders during sleep in premature infants with broncopulmonary dysplasia and pulmonary hypertension


N.I. Ahmedjanova, K.R. Dilmuradova

Renoprofilaxis in secondary chronic pyelonephritis in children

Yu.O. Kuzmina, Yu.P. Potekhina, E.S. Tregubova, E.S. Mokhova

Possibilities of osteopathic correction of functional disorders in children

V.K. Yuryev, V.V. Sokolova

Main causes of parents dissatisfaction by the accessibility and quality of ambulatory-polyclinic care for children

V.I. Orel, M.E. Okhlopkov, A.N. Grigorieva, T.E. Burtseva, V.G. Chasnyk, V.M. Sereda, A.V. Kim, N.A. Gur’eva, L.L. Sharafutdinova,Z.A. Roslova, V.V. Orel, T.I. Buldakova, E.B. Libova, A.S. Rukavishnikov, O.M. Nosireva, A.M. Kakanov

Children of the Arctic: dynamics of medico-demographic indicators

I.I. Pavlyuchenko, E.A. Kokov, L.N. Kokova, O.S. Okhremenko

Influence of the phenotype of the disease on the parameters of the antioxidant defense system and the level of some interleukins in the blood of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

E.V. Timofeev, N.I. Belousova, E.V. Vutrikh, E.V. Zemtsovky, A.Yu. Olkhovik

Bone mineral density and bone metabolic markers in laboratory in men with marfanoid habitus

G.K. Sirbiladze, G.A. Suslova, D.J. Pinchuk, Т.K. Sirbiladze

Potential use of transspinal direct current stimulation for cerebral circulation correction

L.P. Khoroshinina, A.V. Shabrov, L.G.Buyniov

Starvation in childhood and obesity in senior age

M.A. Zelenenko, V.A. Pechatnikova, V.A. Zaplutanov, N.V. Tsygan, N.A. Verlov, M.G. Khotin, A.G. Vasilev, A.P. Trashkov

Cerebral damage pathogeny peculiarities in local and global cerebral perfusion impairment models in rats

V.M. Suslov, A.V. Pozdnyakov, D.O. Ivanov, D.I. Rudenko, D.A. Malekov, A.D. Suslova, D.I. Ulyanenko

Correlation analysis of T2-weighted images and Medical Research Council scale
in corticosteroid-naive patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

R.S. Biliutin-Aslanian, A.G. Vasilev

Influence of CRP on cognitive function of patients with combined and isolated forms of atherosclerosis of cerebral and coronary vascular pools


T.V. Melashenko, A.V. Pozdnyakov, V.S. Lvov, D.O. Ivanov

MR-patterns of brain’s hypoxic-ischemic lesions in term newborns

A.V. Nalyotov, Yu.S. Vunichenko

The using of low-FODMAP diet is an important step in the treatment of children with irritable bowel syndrome

M.S. Panova, A.S. Panchenko

The role of cytokines and their genetic polymorphism in the development of hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy among full-term newborn children

A.N. Zavyalova, A.V. Gostimskii, O.V. Lisovskii, M.V. Gavschuk, I.V. Karpatskii, V.V. Pogorelchuk, A.V. Mironova

Enteral nutrition in palliative medicine in children


A.А. Malysheva, V.N. Abramova, V.A. Reznik, N.N. Ruhljada, A.N. Taits

Clinical case of interstitial tubal pregnancy treatment with mifepristone and misoprostol


I.B. Dermanova, O.V. Alexandrova, A.E. Tkachenko, I.V. Kushnareva

Rational and irrational components of difficult life situation assessment by adults (on the example of relatives of children who suffer from serious and life-threatening diseases)

M.A. Korgozha

Women’s quality of life dynamics in postpartum period

◆ history of medicine

T.Sh. Morgoshiia, N.A. Siroejin

Professor Max Wilms: 150th anniversary of birth – in memoriam

◆ Anniversaries

Professor Eduard Vladimirovich Ulrikh celebrated the 80 year anniversary

Материал опубликован Sunday December 31st, 2017 пользователем

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