2022#6◆ EDITORIAL V.F. Bezhenar, L.A. Ivanova, D.O. Ivanov, O.L. Krasnogorskaya Amniotic fluid is a marker of the condition of the fetus. Is it so? ◆ ORIGINAL STUDIES S.B. Kalyadin, L.N. Kostryukina, Ja.N. Terenteva, O.A. Fedorov, M.A. Pahomova Unusual symptoms of iron deficiency anemia (2 clinical observations) Yu.A. Yarovaya, M.E. Lozovskaya, Yu.A. Pobezhimova, E.B. Vasilieva, L.V. Klochkova, G.A .Stepanov, N.D. Shibakova Changes of abdominal organs in children with tuberculosis infection detected by ultrasound diagnostics A.P. Trashkov, T.D. Gagloeva, A.I. Budko, A.N. Petrovskiy, O.I. Timaeva, N.V. Tsygan, A.A. Stanzhevsky, A.G. Vasiliev, D.N. Maistrenko, Ch.A. Sergunova, D.S. Sysoev, S.V. Shatic, D.O. Antuganov, A.L. Konevega Anti-tumor activity of radiopharmaceutical medication based on biospecific antibodies to tumor-associated stroma elements and 177lutecium N.V. Tomchyk, N.S. Paramonova, L.V. Arzanovich, A.I. Kizelevich Analysis of the prevalence of arterial hypertension in the child population of the city of Grodno in the pre-covid and during the SARS-CоV-2 pandemic period V.V. Petukhova, A.Yu. Mushkin, M.M. Kostik, T.I. Vinogradova Effects of a single introduction of pamidronate on intact bone under the conditions of the experimental model of the treatment of tuberculosis ostitis T.D. Gagloeva, A.P. Trashkov, A.I. Budko, Yu.A. Levkova, A.N. Petrovskiy, A.B. Cherepov, N.V. Tsygan, V.G. Antonov, M.A. Pahomova Synergic neurotoxic and paraneoplastic neurological syndrome during cysplatin chemotherapy in case of transplanted experimental rat lymphoma ◆ REVIEWS I.A. Gorlanov, L.M. Leina, I.R. Milyavskaya, O.K. Mineeva, L.Yu. Kulikova, K.V. Artamonov Epidermal nevi and epidermal nevus syndromes in pediatric practice. Review V.P. Ganapolsky, P.V. Agafonov, V.O. Matytsyn The effect of peptide bioregulators on the resistance of rats to cold-stress factor N.V. Tsygan, A.V. Ryabtsev, O.S. Sandalova, R.V. Andreev, A.P. Trashkov, A.S. Peleshok, E.S. Kurasov, I.V. Litvinenko Delirium in cardiac surgery: epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention highlights (Review) ◆ CLINICAL OBSERVATION D.O. Ivanov, K.S. Kiriakov, K.V. Pshenisnov, I.A. Tesaeva, M.U. Nasipova, E.A. Sizaeva, Azamat Т. Gabisov Endobronchial surfactant administration in full-term newborn with respiratory distress syndrome ◆ HISTORY OF MEDICINE L.Yu. Artyukh, N.R. Karelina, O.L. Krasnogorskaya Patent ductus arteriosus (review): history, anatomy and physiology of a functioning duct A.P. Pugovkin, V.O. Erkudov They called him “the Divine messenger”. To the 100th anniversary of Christiaan N. Barnard ◆ HISTORY OF PEDIATRIC UNIVERSITY L.A. Litvinenko, N.P. Ramenskaya, E.G. Batotsyrenova Biochemistry is a living source of new ideas in the past, present and future (to the 90th anniversary of the department of biological chemistry St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University) I.V. Karpatsky, Z.S. Matveeva, A.S. Kuzmichev, A.L. Akinchev, D.V. Makharoblishvili History of the hospital surgery department of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (to the 80th anniversar of the department) Материал опубликован Saturday December 31st, 2022 пользователем Редактор |
2022#5Editorial V.F. Bezhenar, L.A. Ivanova, D.O. Ivanov, O.L. Krasnogorskaya Newborns death risk factors after surgical interventions in the early neonatal period ◆ ORIGINAL STUDIES A.А. Tsymbal, V.G. Arsentev, N.P. Shabalov, M.A. Pahomova Connective tissue dysplasia in children with broncho-obstructive syndrome G.G. Kudriashov, A.O. Nefedov, G.V. Tochilnikov, Yu.G. Zmitrichenko, Yu.S. Krylova, M.Z. Dogonadze, N.V. Zabolotnyh, M.E. Dyakova, D.S. Esmedlyaeva, M.L. Vitovskaya, P.V. Gavrilov, A.A. Azarov, V.Yu. Zhuravlev, T.I. Vinogradova, P.K. Yablonskii Original experimental model of tuberculosis and lung cancer T.S. Gorziy, E.A. Belogurova, N.P. Denisenko, M.D. Denisenko, V.I. Nikolaev Using cardiovascular parameters for determination of person’s gender identity A.P. Trashkov, T.D. Gagloeva, A.I. Budko, O.I. Timaeva, M.Yu. Kopaeva, A.B. Cherepov, N.V. Tsygan, A.A. Stanzhevsky, A.G. Vasiliev, M.A. Pahomova, D.N. Maistrenko, C.A. Sergunova, D.S. Sysoev, S.V. Shatic, D.O. Antuganov, A.L. Konevega Biodistribution and kinetic characters of radiopharmaceutical medication based on biospecific antibodies to tumor-associated stroma elements and 177lutcium A.N. Kolchina, O.V. Haletskaya, V.N. Borisova Transient hyperammonemia in newborns: clinical and laboratory parameters and neurological outcomes in patients in the first year of life ◆ REVIEWS Z.V. Nesterenko, O.V. Lagno, E.A. Pankov Search for new therapeutic targets in asthma. review V.А. Deryabina, T.V. Brus, S.S. Pyurveev Endometriosis and adenomyosis: common and disparate features S.S. Sklyar, A.P. Trashkov, M.V. Matsko, A.L.Konevega, M.Yu. Kopaeva, A.B. Cherepov, N.V. Tsygan, B.I. Safarov, N.E. Voinov, A.G. Vasiliev Blood-brain barrier: peculiarities of structural and functional organization in patients with glioblastoma ◆ CLINICAL OBSERVATION D.O. Ivanov, A.N. Taits, L.V. Ditkovskaya, N.N. Matveeva, O.L. Krasnogorskaya, A.V. Pozdnyakov, I.V. Myznikova, A.A. Malysheva, S.V. Kuzminykh, A.D. Orlova, A.A. Veretennikova Neonatal diabetes mellitus and polycystic ovaries in a child with severe insulin resistance caused by a variant in the insr gene. Description of the clinical case V.V. Barinova, I.O. Bushtyreva, A.A. Abovyan, N.B. Kuznetsova, A.E. Shatalov, T.L. Botasheva A clinical case of induced lactation in a biological mother in perimenopause in a surrogacy program of art I.A. Gorlanov, O.K. Mineeva, S.A. Laptiev, L.M. Leina, I.R. Milyavskaya, E.P. Fedotova, E.S. Bolshakova Pigmented xeroderma: literature review and clinical case ◆ Clinical psychology Arina Yu. Malenova Dynamics of parental attitudes of women before and after the birth of the first child Материал опубликован Thursday December 15th, 2022 пользователем Редактор |
2022#4◆ EDITORIAL V.N. Gorbunova, N.V. Buchinskaia Lysosomal storage diseases. Sphingolipidoses — sphingomyelin lipidosis, or Niemann–Pick disease, Wolman disease ◆ ORIGINAL STUDIES E.A. Shevareva, A.M. Savicheva, L.A. Fedorova, K.V. Shalepo, G.V. Grinenko, O.V. Nevmerzhitskaia Risks of microbial colonization in newborn born to mothers with chorioamnionitis E.S. Yakovleva, A.V. Diordiev, E.A. Adkina, R.V. Shagurin, S.V. Yakovlev, Yu.M. Kulagina,N.A. Golovinskaya Comparative study of microbial colonization of catheters for prolonged regional anesthesia when using different fixation methods I.I. Ivanova, N.Yu. Koval Clinical and functional features of chronic pyelonephritis in children with connective tissue dysplasia T.L. Nastausheva, A.V. Khan, E.N. Kulakova, G.G. Volosovets, E.M. Chichuga, T.V. Chubarov, O.V. Gurovich, I.V. Grebennikova Urinary biomarkers in children with kidney diseases taking into account obesity V.D. Kulikov, O.A. Sukhovskaya, M.A. Smirnova, N.A. Kuzubova, O.N. Titova Chronic obstructive lung diseases as a risk factor for severe COVID-19 (Review) ◆ CLINICAL OBSERVATION Yu.R. Zaripova, E.A. Muss, V.G. Arsentev Pleuropulmonary blastoma: case report in a child 8 years old V.V. Vetrov, D.O. Ivanov, V.A. Reznik, L.A. Romanova, T.V. Melashenko, L.V. Kurdynko, M.A. Vyugov Efferent therapy in pregnant women with the threat of very early premature birth with premature effusion of amniotic fluid. Two clinical observations V.V. Bazylev, M.P. Chuprov, K.T. Shcheglova,D.A. Bofanov, S.Е. Shcheglov Clinical case of successful correction of aortic coarctation with hypoplasia of the distal aortic arch in a premature infant with very low birth weight A.N. Kolesnikov, Yu.N. Polyakhova A clinical case of the central nervous system mixed infection (staphylococcal and tuberculosis) in a two-year-old boy ◆ CLINICAL PHYCHOLOGY A.M. Shishkova, V.V. Bocharov, A.M. Tverdokhlebova, Ju.S. Chernaya, A.Ja. Vuks, V.A. Mikhailov1, N.A. Sivakova Interrelationship of psychological distress, basic beliefs and perceptions of family relationships in informal caregivers of children and adults with epilepsy Материал опубликован Monday December 12th, 2022 пользователем Редактор |
2022#3◆ EDITIONAL Zoia V. Nesterenko Axiological component in digitalization of health care and medicine ◆ ORIGINAL STUDIES I.Yu. Ioffe, Yu.L. Skorodok, E.V. Plotnikova, I.I. Nagornaya, K.O. Nagovitsyna, L.A. Jelenina The use of stimulation tests for the differential diagnosis of delayed puberty in boys. How to increase the specificity of the method? A.E. Kim, E.B. Shustov, V.P. Ganapolsky, I.P. Zaitseva Influence of extreme factors on the ratio of cardiointervals in the structure of the cardiocycle V.M. Suslov, L.N. Lieberman, G.A. Suslova, N.P. Bure, E.I. Adulas, D.I. Rudenko Physical therapy in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: dynamics of the course of the disease T.G. Tral, G.Kh. Tolibova, I. Yu. Kogan Immunohistochemical evaluation of apoptosis inducing factor in missed abortion after IVF ◆ LECTURE T.V. Brus, V.A. Evgrafov Pathophysiology of hepatic insufficiency ◆ CLINICAL OBSERVATION L.A. Romanova, N.N. Rukhlyada, A.N. Taits, A.A. Malysheva, K.A. Dudova Autoamputation of the uterine adnexa due to torsion D.O. Ivanov, Yu.V. Petrenko, V.A. Reznik, R.A. Nasyrov, V.N. Timchenko, E.B. Pavlova, N.V. Pavlova, S.L. Bannova, O.L. Krasnogorskaya, G.V. Kondratiev, T.M. Chernova, M.A. Shakmaeva, A.S. Chepelev, V.A. Galichina New coronavirus infection in a child at the age of 2 years 4 months with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (fatal case) A.S. Chepelev, O.L. Krasnogorskaya, E.P. Fedotova, V.A. Galichina, M.B. Paneiakh, N.A. Sidorova, R.A. Nasyrov Intraventricular hemorrhage in extremely low birth weight infant: a case report ◆ MEDICAL EDUCATION M.A. Zimina, N.R. Karelina, A.R. Khisamutdinova, L.Yu. Artyukh The structure of practical classes on human anatomy for foreign students studying at St. Petersburg state pediatric medical university in English Материал опубликован Tuesday September 27th, 2022 пользователем Редактор |
2022#2◆ EDITIONAL K.Yu. Ermolenko, K.V. Pshenisnov, Yu.S. Aleksandrovich, A.I. Konev, V.E. Ironosov, S.N. Nezabudkin, V.V. Pogorelchuk, V.A. Evgrafov Role of ultrasound diagnostics in pediatric septic shock intensive care: review and clinical case ◆ ORIGINAL STUDIES E.L. Sitkina, D.A. Lioznov, R.A. Ivanova, N.V. Sabadash, R.E. Meyrieva, O.V. Gorchakova, T.V. Antonova Clinical and laboratory characteristics of epiglottitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b in children K.М. Shchepetkova, E.G. Batotsyrenova, L.A. Litvinenko, N.P. Ramenskaya, V.A. Kashuro Antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation in rat erythrocytes under low-dose exposure to mercury acetate V.N. Buryak, T.I. Antonova, M.V. Dudko, K.K. Shepelenko, I.V. Malysheva State of liver functional activity in children with atopic dermatitis V.G. Arsentev, S.B. Kalyadin, J.N. Terenteva, M.A. Pakhomova The state of blood flow of the main arteries of the head in children with neurocirculatory dysfunction and connective tissue dysplasia ◆ REVIEWS S.S. Sklyar, A.P. Trashkov, M.V. Matsko, B.I. Safarov, A.G. Vasiliev Immune response to primary glioblastoma ◆ CONGENITAL METABOLIC DISEASES V.N. Gorbunova, N.V. Buchinskaia, G.A. Janus, M.M. Kostik Lysosomal storage diseases. Sphingolipidoses — Fabry, Gaucher and Farber diseases ◆ CLINICAL OBSERVATION N.A. Belykh, Yu.B. Starodubtseva, M.A. Sologub, I.V. Pisnyur Clinical case of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type II in a child I.R. Milyavskaya, M.O. Revnova, L.M. Leina, E.Yu. Felker, O.K. Mineeva, E.S. Bolshakova Staphylococcal-scalded skin syndrome. A clinical case Материал опубликован Wednesday September 7th, 2022 пользователем Редактор |
2022#1◆ EDITONAL D.O. Ivanov, V.V. Vetrov, L.V. Kurdynko History and prospects of perinatal mortality rate in Russia ◆ ORIGINAL STUDIES E.A. Astakhova, E.V. Marchenko, A.A. Chukhlovin, M.V. Alexandrov Remodeling of the bioelectric activity of the brain in the outcome of cortical resection E.A. Vetlugin, E.R. Bychkov, M.E. Abrosimov, A.R. Moskalyev, A.G. Pshenichnaya, S.S. Pyurveev, V.A. Lebedev, A.A. Lebedev, P.D. Shabanov Anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of melanin-concentrating hormone 1 receptor antagonist SNAP 94847 ◆ CLINICAL OBSERVATION V.V. Vetrov, D.O. Ivanov, V.A. Reznik, L.A. Romanova, T.V. Melashenko, L.V. Kurdynko, M.A. Vyugov Efferent therapy for dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy resulting from IVF, complicated by isthmic-cervical insufficiency A.V. Gorodnina, A.V. Kudziev, A.S. Nazarov, D.E. Malyshok, А.Yu. Orlov Combined surgical treatment of a giant peripheral nerve tumors of the “Hourglass type” of the right cost-vertebral cornar A.S. Olenev, L.V. Tyrtova, N.V. Parshina, M.E. Turkunova, O.K. Gorkina Cushing’s syndrome as a result of nasal drops for the eyes with dexamethasone I.V. Bolotnikova, V.P. Ivanov, A.S. Shapovalov. W.A. Khachatryan, V.V. Brzheskiy Orbital plexiform neurofibroma associated with congenital glaucoma in a child with neurofibromatosis type I: a case report V.A. Verezgov, D.V. Breusenko, P.V. Pavlov, Maria L. Zakharova, A.S. Snytkina, O.K. Gorkina, V.V. Dmitrenko, Yu.A. Kuryanova, O.E. Kukushkina Endoscopic endonasal surgery for intracranial rhinogenic complications. Analysis of two clinical cases ◆ CLINUCAL PSYCHOLOGY L.V. Sakhno, I.V. Koltuntseva, E.G. Dubovaiа, M.V. Zemlianykh Motivation and readiness of pediatric medical university graduates to select medical careers at primary healthcare institutions ◆ PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS I.V. Sklyarova, K.M. Komissarchik, L.I. Khalilova, N.Yu. Kharitonova On the history of the sports festival “physical culture — the second profession of a doctor” Материал опубликован Monday September 5th, 2022 пользователем Редактор |