

A.M. Aronov, V.L. Pastushenkov, D.O. Ivanov, Ya.V. Rudin, A.N. Drygin

Contemporary aspects of innovative visualization digital medical technologies’ introduction into clinical practice and education


E.V. Zinovyev, V.E. Yudin, M.S. Asadulaev, V.N. Tsygan, D.V. Kostyakov, A.S. Shabunin, N.V. Smirnova, A.E. Kryukov, M.B. Paneiakh, S.A. Lukyanov, I.V. Artsimovich, I.M. Lopatin, V.V. Zubov, P.K. Krylov, D.O. Vagner, K.F. Osmanov, G.O. Bagaturia

Experience of stem cell use in treatment of skin burns

G.K. Sadykova, D.O. Ivanov, G.O. Bagaturiya, V.V. Ipatov, V.V. Ryazanov

The possibilities of computed tomography using heart-axis-oriented multiplanar reformations in diagnostics
of the great arteries transposition

E.A. Bliznetsova, L.K. Antonova, A.N. Malinin

Vegetative regulation in the first three months of life in premature infants born with intrauterine growth retardation

O.I. Loseva, E.N. Komissarova, N.R. Karelina, S.N. Gaidukov

Pregnancy outcomes in women of different body types in cervical insufficiency

V.B. Voitenkov, A.V. Klimkin, N.V. Skripchenko, S.G. Grigoryev

Neurophysiology of Guillain-Barré syndrome in children

S.G. Balandov, D.I. Vasilevsky, A.M. Ignashov, К.А. Аnisimova, L.I. Davletbaeva

The diagnosis of celiac trunk compression syndrome combined with gastroesophageal reflux disease

V.P. Novikova, N.S. Shapovalova, M.O. Revnova, V.F. Меlnikova, S.V. Lapin, V.I. Guseva, O.P. Gurina, E.A. Dementieva, K.A. Klikunova

The stomach as the target organ of celiac disease

I.A. Klubkova, M.V. Avdeeva, L.V. Shcheglova, D.R. Kiryanova, M.Yu. Erina

The prevalence of neurocirculatory asthenia among adolescents and young men of military age with bradyarrhythmia
based on the results of screening diagnostics

A.V. Nalyotov, S.V. Nalyotov, A.S. Barinova, O.G. Gorshkov

The effectiveness of anti-helicobacter therapy in the treatment of chronic gastroduodenal pathology in children with different levels of compliance


D.I. Vasilevsky, Yu.I. Sedletsky, К.А. Аnisimova, L.I. Davletbaeva

History of surgical treatment of obesity and metabolic disorders

V.A. Pechatnikova, A.P. Trashkov, M.A. Zelenenko, N.A. Verlov, G.A. Chizh, M.G. Khotin, A.G. Vasiliev

Visualization capabilities of experimental oncological models in small laboratory animals


Z.V. Davydova, O.V. Sokolova

Forensic medical evaluation of the role of the formation of ascending amniotic infection in the event of intrauterine
fetal death


M.D. Titova, M.L. Zakharova

Self-relation and relation to other people among women who have AIDS virus

◆ Hystory of medicine

D.Yu. Ovsyannikov, I.V. Siluyanova
Faithful until the very end… (On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin)

Download 2018 #4

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