2013 #4
Levanovitch V. V., Suslova G. A., Gostimsky A. V.
The role and place of modern educational technologies in medical school
Krochek I. V., Sergyiko S. V., Privalov V. A
Laser osteoperforation for the treatment of acute osteomyelitis. 10 years experience
Barhatova N. A.
Specials clinical symptoms the local and general forms of surgical infection of soft tissues on the children’s age
Paliy G. K., Nazarchuk O. A., Paliy D. V., Nazarchuk S. A.,Gonchar O. O., Bereza B. N., Kordon Yu. V., Zaderey N. V., Trofimenko Yu. Yu.
The analysis of sensitivity of escherichia clinical strains, isolated from ill children to antibiotics, antiseptics
Melnikova V. Ph., Aksenov O. A., Boronina T. A., Nasyrov R. A
The concept of placental insuffisiency
Kornienko E. A., Vlasov N. N., Chistyakova A. V
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in childhood
Zvyagin A.A.
Autoimmune gastritis in children with autoimmune diseases
Yagupova A. A., Kornienko E. A. Loboda T. B., Fadina S. A.
New diagnosis in pediatric practice: autoimmune pancreatitis
Chukhlovina M. L.
Diagnostic features of traumatic brain injury in childhood
Popov V. V., Priima N. F., Kanavets N. S.
Functional endotelian condition of woman with metabolic syndrome associated with autoimmune thyroiditis
Zemlyanoy D. A., L’vov S. N
Regional features of Saint-Petersburg schoolchildren level of health
Gostimsky A. V., Peredereev S. S
Surgical treatment of diffuse toxic goiter in children. a review of the literature
Skorodok I. L., Khesina T. E., Afanasieva M. Y., Gegkiyeva A. B., Mullakhmetova Z. I.
Need born prematurely newborn with transient hypothyroxiemia in treatment preparation hormone of the thyroid gland?
Tretjak A. T., Vostokova L. P., Chukhlovin A. B.
Role and place of DNA diagnostics in infection clinics
Pechkurov D. V., Voronina E. N., Allenova Yu. E.
The case of recurrent abdominal pain in a girl
Vabalayte K. V., Romanchishen A. F.
The history of recurrent laryngeal nerve research
Romanchishen A. F., Romanchishen F. A., Karpatsky I. V., Vabalayte K. V
Urgent surgery for thyroid diseases and complications of early postoperative period
Vindorf S. A.
Features of psychological work with teenagers of group of risk on drug addiction emergenced
Материал опубликован Tuesday December 31st, 2013 пользователем Редактор