Savicheva A. M.
Infections in mother, fetus and newborn Infant
Boronina L. G., Samatova E. V.
Verification etiology of chronic infectious-inflammatory pulmonary diseases exacerbations in children
Klyukhina Yu. B., Zhelenina L. A., Ivanov D. O.
Pulmonary catamnesis in children on artificial lung ventilation inthe neonatal period
Naboka Yu. L., Rymashevskiy A. N., Svirava E. G., Vasilyeva L. I., Bragina L. Ye., Chernitskaya M. L., Dzhalagoniya K.T.
Development of microbiota in the large intestine of newborns depending onvarious deliv ery methods
Rybina Ye. V., Kenbayeva K. G., Savicheva A. M.
Gastrointestinal microflora of full-term newborn infants with different modes of delivery
Zatsiorskaya S. L. , Krysanova A. A., Khvan V. O.,Martikaynen Z. M., Savicheva A. M.
Di agnostics and prevention of infections caused by Streptococcus agalactiae in pregnant women and newborn infants
Khusnutdinova T. A., Savochkina Yu. A., Shipitsyna Ye. V.,Guschin A. E ., Savicheva A.M .
Application of quantitative multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction for identification of causative agents of urinary tract infections in pregnancy
Kokhreidze N. A., Anufriyenko E. G., Bobrova I. V., Mironova A. V.
Intimate hygiene of an adolescent girl: principles, modern opportunities and problem of introduction
Lozovskaya M. E., Belushkov V. B., Gurina O. P., Vasilyeva Ye. B., Klochkova L. V.
Comparativ e evaluation of innovative diagnostic tests for latent and active TВ infection in children
Golovacheva Ye. G., Afanasyeva O. I., Osidak L. V., Obraztsova Ye. V., Voloshchuk L. V.
Effect of interferon on the direction of polarization of the immune response to influenza in children
Karavayev V. M.
Structural circumstances in the maintypes of fatal concomitant injury in children
Romanova M. N., Zhila N. G., Sinelnikova Ye. V.
Sonographic examination of peripheral nerve injuries at the hands of children
Sevastyanov A. V., Fishchev S. B., Orlova I. V.
Morpholog ical fac ial features of people with the reduced he ight of the gnath ic part of the face
Abdaladze N. S., Avaliani T. V., Tsikunov S. G.
Protection of the neurological dysfunctions of newborn by omega-3 acids
Vostrikov V. V., Proshin S. N.
Does the age of first drug abuse influence on further development and course of the disease
Peel E. A., Bulavko Ya. E.
Analyze and prediction of expenses for public health in g7 countries
Shmeleva N. D., Turpakova T. G.
Experience reduce tb in children with routine immunization in republic of Belarus
Shalepo K. V., Nazarova V. V., Menukhova Yu. N., Shipitsyna Ye. V.,Savicheva A. M.
Diagnosis and therapy of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy
Sokurova A. M.
Specific laboratory diagnosis of viral hepatitis
Nazarov T. H., Tahirov N. S., Vasilyev A. G., Madjidov S. A.,Akhmedov M. A.
Modern aspects of the etiology and pathogenesis of urolithiasis
Lisenkova L. N.
The night 6/7 january 1918: a tragic page in the history of mariinsky hospital
Likhtshangof A. Z.
Main stages of studying childhood infectious diseases
Mitin Yu. A., Vologzhanin D. A.
Clinic, diagnosis and prevention of latex allergy in patients and hos-pital medical staff
Gorkovaya I. A.
Fears among children and overcoming them
Isayev D. D.
Psychological characteristics preceding the development of homosexuality
Материал опубликован Tuesday November 18th, 2014 пользователем Редактор