

D.O. Ivanov, V.V. Derevtsov, N.P. Serova

Assessment of adaptation of infants born with different types mild intrauterine growth and development retardation


M.A. Bukhalko, E.Yu. Skripchenko, L.A. Alekseeva, N.V. Skripchenko, N.E. Monakhova, S.G. Grigoriev

Vitamin D and neurospecific proteins in children with inflammatory demyelinating diseases of central nervous system

A.V. Santimov, V.G. Chasnyk, S.V. Grechanyi

Psychometric assessment of chronic pain syndrome in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

T.M. Chernova, V.N. Timchenko, N.A. Myskina, M.A. Lapina, A.E. Orekhova, A.D. Kanina

Causes of vioolation of vaccination schedule in young children

Y.A. Yarovaya, M.E. Lozovskaya, E.B. Vasil’eva, L.V. Klochkova, G.A. Stepanov, A.V. Mosina

Tuberculosis infection in children with negative reactions to the Diaskintest

A.V. Kosulin, D.V. Elyakin, K.D. Lebedeva, A.E. Sukhomlinova, E.A. Kozlova, A.E. Orekhova

Navigation template for vertebral pedicle passage in transpedicular screw fixation

R.S. Subbotin, M.N. Puzdireva, I.V. Fomin, S.B. Fishchev, A.A. Kondratyuk

Computer diagnostic features combining different types of radiographs of the maxillofacial area

Е.M. Bulatova, P.V. But’ko, A.M. Shabalov

Disturbance of food behavior as a predictor of obesity and metabolic syndrome: is possible prevention?

V.I. Nikolaev, N.P. Denisenko, A.V. Brega, M.D. Denisenko

Peculiarities of the heart rate variability at patients with acute disorder of cerebral circulation depending on localization of ischemic damage

R.A. Nasyrov, A.D. Shramko

Expression of bovine leukemia virus antigen in breast cancer tissue

N.G. Zhila, S.Ju. Semenov, P.B. Komarov, K.M. Komarov, V.G. Dumitrash, P.V. But’ko

Efficacy evaluation of closed reduction of fifth metacarpal neck fractures in children


Y.I. Yashkov, Y.I. Sedletskiy, D.I. Vasilevskiy, B.Y. Tsvetkov, A.M. Krichmar

Revision procedures in bariatric surgery

A.G. Vasil’ev, N.V. Haitsev, A.L. Balashov, L.D. Balashov, A.A. Kravtsova, A.P. Trashkov, M.A. Pahomova

Pathogenesis of acute hemorrhage syndrome


G.L. Mikirtichan

V.P. Zhukovsky’s role in the development of domestic pediatrics and neonatology

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